Thursday, April 17, 2014

Day #2

Today consisted of working on a couple more snap circuits, which I have pictured below. I think I have a basic enough understanding of these circuits to move onto the actual circuit boards soon.

This first image pictures a circuit that charges a capacitor (the middle green piece), and then changes the circuit. This causes the red LED to begin by glowing, but soon fade and eventually die out, even if the circuit is still connected. The practical application of this was a nightlight that you want on to get to your bed, but shuts off soon so the room is dark to sleep in.

This circuit used a phosphoresistor to activate and deactivate the fan and space music. In the presence of light, the circuit is allowed to be completed so the fan spins and the speaker makes noise. Without light, the circuit shuts off and is incomplete. There was also a switch that could activate the circuit, or speed up the fan if there was also light present.

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