Tuesday, April 22, 2014


More looking for parts today... I also wrote on the bag what is what, hopefully the expo marker doesn't erase.. I'll let Kirk finish up the resistors, and if he gets time he can double-check what I'm pretty sure we don't have.

Updated list:

Parts list
Project 1
1- 1N914 diode - need 3
√1- Bridge rectifier - I think we have some
1- 7805 regulator IC (Three Terminal Regulator) - not seeing any of these
1- 100 µF capacitor @25 VDC - need 1
√1- 3.3 µF capacitor @50 VDC have it
√1- 220 Ω 1/4 W resistor have it
√1- 1000 Ω 1/4 W resistor have it
√1- 2200 Ω 1/4 W resistor have it
√1- 100 kQ potentiometer - have it
Project 2
1- 10 MΩ resistor
1- 1 kΩ resistor
1- 330 Ω
1- 100 kΩ
2- 10 kΩ
√1- .01 µF capacitor - have it
√1- .47 µF capacitor - have it
√1- .1 µF capacitor - have it
1- 60 Ω mini-speaker - I think odds are we don't have this
√1- 100 kQ potentiometer - still have it
√1- LED - gee I wonder if we have any LED's... haha
√1- 555 IC - have it
Project 3
7- 330 Ω resistor
8- 4.7 k-Ω resistor

√4- LEDs - we only have like a thousand of these
√1- 7 segment readout (common cathode) - have them
√1- 8 bit DIP switch - in with the 7 segment readout
√1- 7448 IC - have it
√1- 7404 IC - have it
1- GE H24A1 Opto-Coupler - Pretty sure we don't have any

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