Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Last day

So I wasn't quite sure what to do on my last day, so I just dinked around with my breadboard to see what I could make.

I got a 7,9,5,4, the decimal, a backwards 1, a backwards 3, and an H

Whoever learned to wire clocks must've done a lot of work, this is complicated.

What concerns me is the first switch is having no effect on anything, I'm wondering why that is.. it might explain why some numbers appear to be impossible. Or maybe it was designed that way, because fiddling around with everything does not yield a way to get the first switch to do anything.

I took it apart, I'll miss the little guy.. or not. haha

Monday, May 12, 2014

The taste of sweet success

IT FINALLY WORKS! I discovered that apparently, the +/- terminals on the top and bottom are connected on the left half and right half, but have a gap in the middle. Putting all the wires on one half apparently helped and it started working. Yay!
The only actual number I can make is a 7 but it is still cool.

I will now calculate the voltage through each part of the circuit for my mathematical model, and my resource Mr. Boorsma will email me back tonight so that should be all set as well.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

A unique title

End of the week, and I have my circuit wired exactly like the book does. Found out my first circuit didn't work because I needed 6 volts and I only used 1.5. Encouraging and frustrating at the same time. I'll have Kirk take a look at it and find the flaw, somewhere in the mess of wires the circuit must be broken.

I'll email Mr. Boorsma tonight and ask him how you know what kind of engineering field you should go into. I believe that is what my final project will be about, how I will probably not be an electrical engineer (unless of course I get something to work, then maybe why I could be an electrical engineer).

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Creative and clever title

So sorting resistors does not sound fun (or physicsy) so I consulted the expert, Kirk, and am giving this project another go. I think I understand what's going on now, but I won't have much time today to actually figure out...

Monday, May 5, 2014

Day something else that I haven't already said but a new week, which I also lost count of

So I made a discovery today! Resistors have a color code by the number and color of bands on them! I kinda wondered what those were.. By the color code, that means I'd need a orange-orange-brown gold resistor based on the images I found. I FOUND ONE! ... only it's broken. I'll keep looking...

Well considering we have so many of these, I really am kinda curious what each band means and how to understand them. I'm going to sort some and figure out what exactly they are! There seems to be numerous combinations, so I'll try to get a few figured out.

This first bunch is all 4 band resistors. They all seem to end in the color gold, which means 5% (something). 5% what? Wikipedia gives it as the tolerance. What is the tolerance?

We'll start learning about an easy(?) one. I have a bunch of red-red-red-gold resistors, which http://www.digikey.com/us/en/mkt/calculators/4-band-resistors.html translates as 2.2k ohms 5%.
How do we understand this? The code has a gap between the third and fourth bands (labeled A-B-C-D), so bands C and D, to distinguish left from right. C is used as a multiplier. Wikipedia has a great code that functions as how to read A and B by the color. Each color has a unique number with it, as well as a multiplier and a tolerance. The picture is shown here:
This table will help me read random ones!
It makes it obvious red-red-red-gold has to be 22 * 10^2, or 2.2 * 10^3, or 2.2k with a tolerance of +/-5%.

Another one I found several of was a yellow-violet-red-gold resistor. This must be 47*10^2 or 4.7k ohms with a tolerance of +/- 5%.

If we have a 5th band, we simply use A-B-C-D-E with A-B-C as our first 3 digits, D as the multiplier, and E as the tolerance.

A 6th band would not be the same actually! The last digit (F) would be a ppm reading. Not sure what that is but I will look into it!

Note to self: If I was going to organize it, I should pick a common band (probably the multiplier) to sort by so they are all similar in terms of powers of 10. Sorting every single color combination would be a little too much work I'm thinking.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Day # Senior Skip Day (even though I showed up for Chemistry and Physics cuz I'm so cool)

This image looks helpful for understanding the 7448 decoder for the 7-segment readout..

It seems like it makes sense, but trying to figure out how to actually wire it is going to be a beast. Hopefully I'll actually have time tonight or this weekend to confer with my dad about circuits and whatnot, but we'll see.

These 2 images seem to show how they should be wired together:

Understanding the numbering on the 7448 is important, which the second image is helping with. It also shows the numbering on the 7-segment readout, which I am having trouble with. All images are in that way, but the ones we have are horizontally orientated, not vertically. I'm not sure which side is which.. Guess we'll just have to find out. The first shows how to wire them together.

A google search yielded the part was LSD3221-11-LHDP/RHDP, which has a total of about 15 pictures on google images.. Shortening the array of letters/numbers doesn't help much, either.

Another day of lots of research... At least I think I'm making progress. I think my overall question will simply be how this thing works because it's pretty complicated! Now to find a mathy aspect..

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Day # Something that I had counted +3

So I scrapped my previous circuit board, something was just not connecting right so I am moving to the next project. I am now starting the clocks project. I decided to look online for an easier-to-follow procedure, but I didn't really get anywhere. Tomorrow I'll actually be here, so I'll dig more to try and find a way to make this work, and I wouldn't mind trying to make an actual clock sort of thing if it's possible. I thought that sounded like fun, but baby steps I suppose.

Note: I did not remember to talk to my dad yet, but I will soon.